Physical integrity
Extent of text
Extent of musical notation
Genre (Cantus)
Feast (Cantus)
Type of notation
Style of notation
Actual repository of source - Country
Dating of source - Century
Provenance of source - region
Provenance of source - place
Provenance of source - institution
Type of search


List of Records

Total 538 records
IDTitleSourceDatingFolioIntegrityNotationUse SMusical formNo. of strophes
381Ave rubens rosaCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14807rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
382Kraly nebesky k tobie lid krzestiansky
Králi nebeský k tobě lid křesťanský
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14807vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Through-comp. (strophic)16
383Krystus sin bozie narodil se ninie
Kristus syn boží narodil se nyní
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14808rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini
Through-comp. (strophic)6
384Zdrawa nayswietieyssie kralewno
Zdráva najsvětějšie králevno
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14808r–8vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
385FRAGMENT <...>ly swate cztite
<Svatých nedotýkajíc> ... li svaté ctíte
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14809rFragmentaryNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Martini
386Patris sapiencia
Patris sapientia
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148021rCompleteNotation intendedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
387Vivus panis angelorumCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148021vCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Through-comp. (strophic)10
388Novis canamus mentibusCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148023rNearly completePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
389Exurgens virgo hodie
Exsurgens virgo hodie
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148023rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Visitatio Mariae
390Gaude felix Bohemia laudes ... VitusCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148023r–23vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Viti
392Resurgenti colletemur
Resurgenti collaetemur
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148023v–24rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
393Stupefactus inferni duxCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148024r–24vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
394En morte pater divinus
E morte pater divinus
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148024vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
499Ihesu Christe sczedry knyeze
Jezu Kriste ščedrý kněže
CZ-OLm R 591395 - 14054rNearly completeNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Pentecostes
Through-comp. (strophic)13
502Ihesu Christe sczedri knyeze
Jezu Kriste ščedrý kněže
CZ-Pu VIII C 111384 - 140082vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Through-comp. (strophic)10
501Ihesu Christe styedry knyezye
Jezu Kriste štědrý kněže
CZ-Pak M 11400 - 142012rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Through-comp. (strophic)10
500Ihesu Christe ssczedre knyeze
Jezu Kriste ščedrý kněže
CZ-Pn 1 A c 241398 - 14051vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Pentecostes
Through-comp. (strophic)19
504Otcze bozye wssemohuczy
Otče bože všemohúcí
CZ-Pn XVI C 31420 - 1440Front flyleaf, versoCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Through-comp. (strophic)9
491Omnis mundus iocundetur
Omnis mundus iucundetur
CZ-Pu I D 191410 - 1420129vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Nativitas Domini
490Swaty nass waczlawe
Svatý náš Václave
CZ-Pu I D 191410 - 1420129vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Wenceslai
Through-comp. (strophic)1

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